F A N T A S I E    R A D I C A L I


Lo Spazio Bianco art gallery, together with the art curator Sarah Campisi, launch an open call entitled Fantasie Radicali inviting visual artists to present one or more artworks using a medium between painting, sculpture, installation or performance.
Is the relationship between people and the city partially influenced by the suburbs’ neglect? The submitted call asks this question to few artists living the historic glossy downtown and the experience of a lit shop window as opposed to the decadence of the real, the neglect and the crisis of care. Creativity is therefore a powerful tool to contrast the neglect.

Fantasie Radicali, group exhibition

From this “brief” consideration is born the idea of proposing to Nolo district, where the gallery is born, between via Padova and viale Monza, a group exhibition that can trigger some consideration about the topic of outskirts (but not only) and degraded and forsaken places. Seven international artists have been selected for the exhibition which will be inaugurated in the spaces of the gallery in Via Privata Tommaso Marinetti 2, on September 6 at 6pm and will be open until September 16, 2022.        

Valentina Diena (Milan), Paola Zeppi (Fossombrone), Alicia Iglesias (Madrid), Manuel De Marco (Udine), Paki Paola Bernardi (Turin), Sergey Dobrynov (Lugansk) and Francesco Colzani (Lecco) arę deeply different from each other in their intent, matter, expressive form and composition, but united by a single creative engine: trying to translate in artistic language the violent conflicts of contemporary society that wants us dynamic performing on the one hand, and passive and receptor of ourselves on the other hand.


Fantasie Radicali

"The path starts with the action of Valentina Diena, who in May 2022 placed a white dummy and a black marker in front of the gallery, inviting the passers-by to express any thought on a defenseless, lifeless body.
The hyperrealism artist realized then a perfect copy o paper, somehow recalling Kosuth’s conceptualization and adding the uncontrolled public action to the consideration about reality and representation. An action which talks about anger, outburst, female condition as a straight consequence of the universal existential angst and its spectuacularization through the media."

Sarah Campisi



Fantasie Radicali, opening day



  © Developed by Valentina Diena